Marvelous May

Or not quite so marvelous, considering temperatures around here have been well below normal. This May feels like a third March in a row, considering April was equally cold. The year 2020 just keeps on giving! But good news – Ashes of Empire: Imperial Night is now with my editor. That means it’s up for pre-order on Amazon, Kobo and Google Play (the other retailers make it too complicated). But as before, it’ll come out everywhere books are sold in ebook, hardcover and paperback when it’s published in mid-June.

Get your pre-order now:

I’m also a good ways (17% written) into a new Chief Superintendent Morrow mystery, which will come out this summer. It’s tentatively titled A Colonial Murder and takes place on Mission Colony about six months after Zack Decker and Hera Talyn passed through that star system and took down wannabe revolutionaries in Hard Strike.

And wouldn’t you know it, the high level concept for the next Ashes of Empire story came to me the other evening, unbidden. I’ve come to the conclusion the saga will be told in several three book cycles, with Imperial Night concluding the Jonas Morane and Sister Gwenneth cycle. That means the next installment, tentatively titled Ashes of Empire: Imperial Echoes starts a new cycle. I won’t reveal the story line just yet, but the focus will move away from Lyonesse.

I’ve got a busy year ahead of me, it seems. But since we can’t travel to our usual scuba diving haunts, I also have more time to dream of far away star systems.

Stay healthy, fellow humans. Peace.