A Lot of Action

This morning, the work on re-siding the Casa Thomson began (and it’s not just re-siding, but replacing soffits, fascia and the gutters). Considering the stuff being replaced is all original on a house dating back to 1974, the change will be tremendous. Already, the faded, dented and dinged yellow aluminum siding on one wall is gone, replaced by vinyl in a gentle cypress green. And once that’s done, as I told Mrs T., we can settle in for a long winter’s nap, since we won’t be spending the holidays in our usual scuba diving spot this year.

In other news, Ashes of Empire: Imperial Echoes is past the 20% completion mark, and though the going is slow, it’s steady, which is normal when building a new world, that of Lyonesse’s soon to be discovered existential enemy, the Wyvern Hegemony. But with the noise of outside renovations this week I expect progress will be a little slower than usual. It’s amazing how much stapling house wrap and nailing siding reverberates throughout the entire house. Right now, one of the contractors is working on the second story wall right outside my office, which is just a tad eerie when I’m used to solitude and silence on a regular weekday.

In any case, progress on all fronts. Stay safe and healthy, fellow humans.

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